Grand Anse Beach, Grenada

Day 10 of my Grenada holiday. All 3 crew members left Lady Natalie now… and I have checked in to this beautiful resort called Allamanda Beach Resort right by Grand Anse Beach.

Definitely was speechless once again to see this view this two-mile stretch of creamy-white sand overlooks a sheltered bay. And all right her for me to enjoy the next 3 days. Walked the beach several times, so beautiful..

Was enjoying this time all to mo myself. Something like that I have never done before..peaceful time for me. I enjoyed the first evening just sitting on the beach and looking out to the sea…waiting for the sunset…

as these guys started to run down the beach… I just could not resist asking them to do this again…so I can video them …

Florida In February

OMG hard to believe we left in this snow/ice storm on February 6th.


Has been already over a month ago that we where in Florida enjoying that sooooo beautiful sunshine every day by +24 to 28 and water at +16 . I was swimming in it every day on and on….just so perfect.

Sunset right by the beach every night…I am still looking for the star in that evening sky every night, my start always full of love and happy moments walking in the water looking for the shells. Even thought I could not bring home some of the coral that washed up on the shore…..nooo noooo you can’t do that!!

My fun moments taking pictures of birds flying by…or posing for me.

Smiles Yes  “I am a bigger kid then You thought I am” …smiles that is me. Always will be that way…That is my Life, my Love, my life of happiness.

More then I am That is me.


Sleeping on the balcony hearing the waves crushing onto the shore.

Seeing the stars and full moon.

Hearing the birds in the morning waking me up….My Dream always.

I’ll never forget that kind of feeling of Peace.


From My Heart To Yours

2018-11-06 11.42.14 - CopyOh no, how time has gone by since my last post.

I kind of got side tracked by posting on Facebook. How could I, you may ask? Well it seems to be much easier to do that with my phone.

Yes, I know I can do blog-posts on the phone too. But it seem to be a little more tedious for someone like me that is not so computer oriented. LOL 2018-11-20 15.36.43 - Copy




So we all had the Fall season come and go… see some of my pictures from the fall.

Well guess what, we had minus 17 on November 22nd. A brisk walk through the local park that morning and again at night, so beautiful.

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Then some more snow here and there…gurr with rain right after that.

All snow gone again. What? You say we are in winter?  Normal we would be into deep winter with Christmas just past, Guess again!!! Yesterday was December 28th. A usually very cold winter day here in Canada. ..BUT not yesterday!

Believe it or not we had a temperature of “+11” .Yes plus 11 degrees. People where walking around in short sleeves… (not me).Don’t think it have seen that before in my 34 years here in Canada!

So today I woke up to – 9, ladida yes minus 9. very drastic change  in temperature. I am So glad we can’t change the weather. 2018-11-18 13.59.16 - Copy

Enjoy the last view days of 2018 and many thanks for stopping by here on my Blog during the past years. I truly hope to be more active in the New Year.

With more posts and KnitswissYarns aswell as pattern releases here and on Ravelry.

Looking forward to seeing You  again in  2019


A Wonderful Christmas To All

File 2017-12-20, 12 11 53 PM
A Handcrafted Christmas card came in the mail last week…it is absolutely beautiful! Theresa you are a wonderful artist! Thank You

Many, many Thanks to All of You that visit my blog through-out the years and have visit me in person for knitting, crocheting or yes quilting advise at my home or at work…. I truly believe I have a wonderful friendship with so many of you.

Your comments on the blog or in person make me smile….

Thank You for believing in me  :-)))

 Wishing You and your loved once a Very Happy Christmas and  an Amazing 2018 

File 2017-12-20, 12 09 45 PM
This Ornament is so simple and adorable and I know it is created with much passion and love. Thanks Ave

Chalet Wrap

Wishing all of You

A very Happy Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year.

 Enjoy my New Pattern

Chalet Wrap

 This Chalet Wrap is my first pattern published in

“A Needle Pulling Thread

magazine this past October 2015 in the Anniversary Issue. I am very happy  to make this  pattern available to all of you

I do ask for you to please link back any knit “Chalet Wrap” pictures you knit up to my blog or on Ravelry under Knitswiss.

Love to see your amazing Hand knit Wrap too.

And many thanks for following y blog and all your comments, visits and likes through the many years of my blog posts.

Hugs and Smiles always


Christmas Baking Time In My Home

2015-12-10 18.43.29As Christmas is getting closer I thought it would be nice to bake something so the home smells like fresh bread.

Yes my “Zopf”is still my favourite to come out of the oven.

I thought I should try something new for a change. So with the same kind of dough I decide to cut the amount of dough in fours and roll them out into circles. 2015-12-10 16.47.22 - Copy

Then I spread some raspberries Jam on it. Topped it with another layer or rolled out dough. spread more jam on it. repeated this one more time. So I ended up with the last dough sheet  on the top. Now put in the middle a glass for the centre.2015-12-10 16.47.18

Cut all around into four section and each section into 4 section again. so I had a total of 16 strips. Now to one twist as per picture. Once more twist after that and then pinch it together and fold under just a little so one does not see the ends.2015-12-10 16.48.25 - Copy

Let it rise a little and then off into the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 40 min. depends on your oven it may take less or more.2015-12-10 16.51.28 - Copy


2015-12-10 16.51.35Weihnachten  rückt näherun d es ist höchste Zeit etwas zu backen, damit das Haus nach frischem Brot duftet. Ja eine “Zopf” ist immer noch mein Favorit.

Doch sollte zur Abwechslung einmal etwas Neues aus dem Ofen kommen. So mit einem Kilo Teig in vier Teile geschnitten und ausrollen zu Kreisen.

Dann belegete ich die erste Scheibe Teig mit Himbeer Marmelade. wieder mit einer Teig Scheibe bedecken usw.

Mit dem vierten Teig beenden.  Nun in der Mitte ein Glas auflegen. Den runden Teig in 4 Teile schneiden. Diese Teile noch einmal in 4 Teile schneiden.  So hatte ich insgesamt 16 Streifen .

Nun zwei Streifen gegen einander drehen. Alle streifen so weiter drehen. Dann alle noch einmal drehen. Nun die zwei streifen die gegen gleich laufen zusammen drücken und ein bischen umlegen .

Nun alles Aufgehen lassen für 30 minuten  und dann ab in den vor-geheizten Ofen bei 350 Grad für 40 Minuten.


Hardanger Christmas Star

2015-12-03 16.15.26
I like to be unique so red with glitter gold thread was perfect fit for me.

As we all are putting out our christmas decoration up, I came across a special handmade decoration I had made several years ago. This red Christmas Star.

Smiles I was told just last week I should be putting this all out on the tables and not have them in storage.

I was the lucky women to have a mom and grandmother that shown me lots of stuff like knitting, crocheting, tatting, Hardanger stitching and much more.

I have to say this hardanger stitching is really amazing and you better make sure you count each single thread as you go along in the setup of the outside border. Because it will hurt much more to open up all the blocks if you are off by YES ONLY ONE THREAD!

2015-12-03 16.09.00
My Moms creation

Hardanger embroidery is a form of embroidery traditionally worked with white thread on white even-weave cloth, using counted thread and drawn thread work techniques. Hardanger fabric is an evenweave cotton material woven with pairs of threads of 22 count. The weave gives a squared appearance to the fabric  with distinct holes, making it easy to count and work on. DMC Pearl Cotton 5 is ideal for Hardanger Fabric. Use DMC Pearl cotton 8, for more delicate filling stitches and other surface details.

Have a look at some of the table runners most of them my mom did. I stepped out of the box and had to make the red once and one of the beige once for sure. They for sure take a while to finish!



Thanksgiving Hike AT Boyne Valley Provincial Park

2015-01-12 Thanksgiving Monday hike Bruce Trail 077 Boyne Valley Provincial Park is part of the Bruce Trail.

Where I only have gone on two hikes with my Hubby. He and his friends have almost completed all of the Bruce Trail that goes all the way from Niagara, Ontario to Tobermory2015-01-12 Thanksgiving Monday hike Bruce Trail 151 a small community located at the northern tip of the Bruce Peninsula in the municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula. It is 300 km northwest of Toronto.

So he has only two or three hikes that he needs to still walk and with it being so nice and warm on this past Thanksgiving Monday. The opportunity to go and hike the 15 km in this Boyne Valley was just perfect. Off I went on a perfect day together with my Hubby.

Just had to sit on top of one of these hay bales
Just had to sit on top of one of these hay bales with a little help from my Hubby as they are a bit high….and yes I am not a spring chicken

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Myrtille Shawl


Myrtille by Coralie Grillet

A wonderful pattern that was  especially designed for this kit-a-long by “Siidegarte” for the last Christmas Season 2014. (Sorry I know I am a little behind in this post)


2015-01-10 17.49.31
Siide-Fideel is a wonderful soft Silk/Merino yarn and with this Xmas special edition colour even nice to know we have a one of a kind shawl. 1 skein = 600.0 meters (656.2 yards), 150 gram for mine I used needle US7 -4,5mm








I have ordered a view skeins from Siidegarte in the past and was happy with their services and the yarn. What makes it special to me is that it is from my home country and all there skeins  are named with a true Swiss name. In  “Schwiizerdütsch”

2015-01-27 10.28.47Myrtille von Coralie Grillet  

Ein Muster das speziell für dieses Kit-a-long von “Siidegarte” für die letzte Weihnachtszeit 2014 entworfen wurde  (Sorry, ich weiß, ich bin ein wenig hinten drein mit diesem Post )

Siide-Fideel ist eine wunderbar weiche Seiden/Merino Wolle auch die Farbe wurde speziell für den Xmas Speziall gefärbt. Eine Strang hat  600 meter mit 150 Gramm, für meinen Schal  verwendete ich Nadel 4,5mm

Ich hatte schon einmal zuvor von Siidegarte Wolle bestellt und war zufrieden mit ihren schnellen Lieferung, Handlung und auch mit der Wolle. Was mir besonders gefällt ist, dass es aus meiner Heimat kommt und alle Woll-Strangen mit einem echten “Schwiizerdütschen” Namen benannt sind.


Alpaca Lacy Cowl

2014-11-02 15.15.17” ESTELLE Super Alpaca 60 Lacy Cowl”
Designed by Kate Atherley a free pattern from Estelle Yarns that you can download for free under.
With US11 – 8.0mm needle and 2 skeins = 799.2 meters (874.0 yards), 100 grams of Estelle Super  Alpaca 60 Lace
A super soft and cozy yarn. Perfect company for keeping you warm this winter.
If You like you can see this at “The Yarn Store” as a sample, we have many more great colours for you.2014-11-02 15.14.20

” ESTELLE Super Alpaca 60 Lacy Cowl”

 Entworfen bei Kate Atherley ist ein kostenloses Muster von Estelle Yarns. Mit US11 – 8.0mm Nadel und 2 Knäuel = 874 Meter, 100 Gramm Estelle Super- Alpaca-Lace. Eine besondere weiche und kuschelige Wolle. Perfekte für Dich warm zu halten in diesem Winter.

2014-11-02 12.51.25

Nine Patch Placemat

2014-10-18 15.09.57

My work has just received soooooo much more fabric last week!

Where will we put it all is always the question when it arrives.
And yes it is impossible not to buy some from time to time too.

So I decided to make 6 new Nine Patch Placemats in gold, silver and black . The front is all the same but the backing is as you can see, gold, black or with Christmas ornament print.

I also bought this gorgeous red, silver and white Holiday print fabric. I could not resit it…smiles

Now I have to decide if I make 6 more in the red, silver and white or I make a table runner with that fabric.

Red, Silver and white Holiday Print
Red, Silver and white Holiday Print

Bie meiner Arbeit hatten wir diese Woche tausende von Metern neuen Stoff erhalten.

Wo werden wir diesen Stoff wieder hinstellen…sooo viel kommt immer. Rollen und noch mehr Rollen von Stoff.
Und ja, es ist unmöglich dann nicht auch ab und zu auch einen Meter oder so zu kaufen.

Also beschloss ich 6 neue “Nine Patch Tischsets” in Gold, Silber und Schwarz zu nähen. Die vorterseite aind alle sechs gleiche. Doch die Hinterseite ist bei zweien gold,  zwei in schwarz und zwei mit Weihnachts Kugeln.

Dazu hatte kommte auch dieser sagenhafte schöne roter, silbernen und weißen Stoff mit Weihnachts Print nach Hause.

Jetzt muss ich mich nur entscheiden, ob ich 6 weitere Tischsets oder ein Tischläufer mit diesem Stoff nähen soll.

Locarno, Switzerland

Locarno by the Lac
Locarno by the Lac

How the time goes by. We only where in Locarno, Switzerland in June and now we are already in the Fall again. With the leaves all going golden and red…

Yes Locarno is truly a spectacular place to visit. Both my husband and I had enjoyed some wonderful moments on our honeymoon. This time I was there with our son, it has changed like any other place does.2014-06-27 06.25.39

Wie die Zeit doch fergeht. Im Juni waren wir in Locarno, Switzerland und jetzt ist es schon wieder Herbst. Die Blätter färben sich schon goldig und rot…

Ja Locarno ist ein Ferien Ort zum Geniessen. Wir waren das letzte mall in Locarno als wir Geheiratet hatten. Auf unsere Hochzeits Reise.

Doch sieses mall war ich mit unserem Sohn, meiner Mutter und ihre Freundin in Locarno.

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2014-06-27 06.32.02
So happy, DutchSpinLady on the Ravelry website told me that this could be a “Camillia Tree” Looking it up on Google I think she is correct with this info. Thank you DutchSpinLady for helping me figure out this Puzzle

Lugano, Switzerland

Bars by the lake
Bars by the lake

Wow what a happening Place.

Sunny, warm and yes Music playing. At first I thought it was always that way.

Music by the Lake. Then I clued in a big screen right by the Lake Ahhh I get it  “FIFA Soccer Night”.

FIFA is playing. Outdoor party time.
FIFA is playing. Outdoor party time.



2014-06-26 20.23.55This city is a must see …..

I love the tropical feel one get when entering to the south of Switzerland.

Palm trees are a welcome sight. If you like watches and jewellery you better put your walled away. The Glitz, Glam  and sparkles are amazing and so are the prices.

Butcher shop
Butcher shop

You have to see the butcher shops…wow! I even seen a show maker …He was very happy to have me take a picture too.  My eyes opened up wide when I seen the spaghetti noodles at one meters long.

Walking by the waterfront, just perfect with all the hustle and bustle of the young and old walking or sitting by the waterfront.

I love all the small allies that lead from out Hotel to the Lake. So special to be able to show this to my son.



Sailboat By the Pier
Sailboat By the Pier

Wow, was für ein “Happening Platz”.

Sonnig, warm und ja Musik. Zuerst dachte ich, es ist immer so. Musik beim See?  Dann sahen wir die großen Leinwand direkt am See Ahhh natürlich “FIFA Soccer Night” ist ja am laufen.

Diese Stadt muss man besuchen wenn man in der Schweiz ist.

Ich liebe die tropische Atmosphäre in der Süde-Schweiz. Palmen sind ein willkommener Anblick.

Wenn Du nach einer Uhr oder Schmuck suchst, das musst Du den Geldpeutel hervor nehme! Glitz, Glam  funkelt fast jeder Laden und so auch die Preise.

Yes this watch is a total of CHf 15100.00 I told you to leave the walled at home this is one of many...
Yes this watch is a total of CHf 15100.00 I told you to leave the walled at home this is one of many…

If you take the Tram you would never see this hill.. So cool lots of stairs of steep walk way have to do it once!
If you take the Tram you would never see this hill.. So cool lots of stairs of steep walk way …you have to do it once!

Ja die Metzgereien, so viel Fleish das immer auch in den Fenstern hängt. Sogar ein Schuhmacher freute sich das ich ihn Fotographierte. Meine Augen öffnete breit, ein Meter lange Spaghetti Nudelns.

Am See spazieren zu gehen,einfach perfekt mit dem juble und trubel von Jung und Alt. Ich liebe all die kleinen “Gässlein”, die von unserem Hotel zum See führen. Und all das durfte ich meinem Sohn zeigen. Ihm hat es hier glauv=be ich am Besten Gefalle. So blieben wir noch etwas länger.

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Light Summer Top

2014-07-07 20.18.16 (2) Yes I am still knitting even if it is summer….why not. I just use different yarns like cotton, linen, or some blends of bamboo etc.2014-07-07 20.18.41-1

Some say, my knitting travels everywhere with me. Even on a train ride up to the Bernia Pass in Switzerland.

Well it came along, but I never had time to take them out. Sooo busy taking lots of pictures.

Though I started this light and airy top in Switzerland and finished it this week. Only used 3.5 skeins of Cascade Sunseeker yarn and a 4.5mm.

This pattern from  “Verena Summer 2014”  is really simple and one could easily work it in a different stitch pattern too.Though I had to modified it a little due to the yarn I used.  Just one big rectangle and then sewn together ind a view unique places for neck, arm  and waist opening. Voila all ready to wear.

Even would be fun to crochet something like this one day…perhaps for a class.


2014-07-07 20.18.38-1Ja, ich bin immer noch am stricken, auch wenn es Sommer ist …. Man kann ja auch mit verschiedenen Garnen im Sommer stricken wie:  Baumwolle, Linen, oder auch Bambus.

Einige sagen, mein Strickzeug reist überall mit mir. Selbst auf unserer Zugfahrt über den  Bernia Pass in der Schweiz. Sicher kam es mit, aber Zeit dafür hatte ich keine. Es gab so viel zu sehen und Fotos gabe es etliche. Lach!

Ja angefangen habe ich mit diesem Luftiger Pulli in der Schweiz. Nur 3,5 Stränge von Cascade Sunseeker Garn und eine 4,5 mm benötigt dieser Pulli. Das Muster ist wirklich einfach und leicht zu arbeiten, auch ein anderes Stichmuster könnte man2014-07-07 20.18.08 dazu verwenden.

Nur ein großes Rechteck und dann zusammengenäht in verschieden Orten für Hals-, Arm-und Taillenöffnung. Voila bereit zum Tragen. Auch würde es Spaß machen, so etwas zu häkeln vielleicht perfect für ein Klasse.2014-07-07 20.18.43