Peonies In Full Bloom

Incredible how this looks. The Peonies have just started to bloom last couple of weeks and they are in full bloom. Going to take some of that are feeling like big marshmallows and remove the leaves. Then wrap them into paper and store in fridge for later blooming.

I really hope this works well. First time trying this. But who knew I would have a fridge full of flowers instead of food.

Well who needs food when we can have this amazing sent of peonies

Möhlin – «Freizeitleben? Was ist das schon wieder?»: Wie eine Aargauer Auswanderin die Coronakrise in Kanada erlebt | Aargauer Zeitung

In Ontario gelten ähnliche Coronarestriktionen wie in der Schweiz. Mit einem grossen Unterschied: Die Restaurants und Bars sind wieder offen. Jacqueline Grice-Hurni erzählt, wie stark das Leben in Kanada derzeit eingeschränkt ist, wie sie die Coronaerkrankung selber erlebt hat – und was sie Menschen rät, die nach Kanada reisen wollen.
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A Hat Every Day

Looks like I am on a hat knitting mission…

I have been knitting a lot more and I mean a lot more in past month of January. Did receive two beautiful hats for a Christmas gift and thought I can knit this hat too. They looked so nice with the little faux fur pompom on the top. Yes the nice thing is that you can remove the pompom if you need to wash the hat.

There is no pattern for this hat! But it is so easy to find some great patterns on Ravelry and add on a pompom. You can get the pompoms probably your local knitting store. A great addition to any hat. I am also using lots of my one skein yarns. Not enough yardage to make more then a hat. SO perfect for the single skeins I have lots off.

  • I say that I have been knitting a lot more in past month,. That is because I had to isolate for 14 days. As Covid19 hit me beginning of January. Its a horrible virus to get. Lucky me I am now out of the contagious stage. But I am still feeling off at times. With some slight chest pains, upset stomach and tiredness. I am thankful I did not have to get hospitalized unlike my friend and some others. Stay Safe and Healthy…

Magical Land

A week ago today, my eyes had this total magical view

I could not wait to get out of bed to take pictures. If you could have seen what I saw that morning…..

Believe me is breathtaking. The pictures don’t do justice to this. It stayed for two full days…


The trees and bushes where covered with “HAIRS” of about 1″ long. The size of the frost that formed depended on how much water vapor was available to feed the ice crystals as they grow. I can honesty say I have never seen anything like it. Its so magical!

There is this tingle I had in me to just stay outside and enjoy every singe moment of this Magical Land and right here in my Garden you could say… Happiness.

Winter Wonderland

How beautiful is it to walk in the country with the snow covered fields all around you.

Sure it is cold and burr the wind is blowing lots too. Oh my Goshhhh,I could not believe my luck today, LOL.

I tell you, just one picture into the walk my camera told me the the card is full!! Oh no… really ?!

Gurr mittens off and deleting quickly some of the picture from way long ago…

All was set to take in the winter Wonderland in pictures once again.

Hope you will approve of them as much as I had fun falling into the snow and getting the camera and myself covered in snow too….Yes the ground was uneven as most county sites are and the snow hides it all. But that makes it so much more special to take the fun and special pictures. Most of all Memories to have.

The Elders

Standing Strong.

In Any Kind Of Wind.

No One Has The Power To Control A Soul.

The Elders

Winter Wonderland In The Country

Look what has arrived here in the beautiful Ontario. I love the sunshine in the winter too.

It has been a beautiful October and yes November too. With only 2 weeks ago of +20 temperatures. How it can change so fast.. But look at how pretty this white stuff can be too.


Pileated Woodpecker

This was totally amazing to see. First we did hear this loud noise from some kind of bird. Though we had no idea what it was from. I could not believe my luck, a Pileated woodpecker. The largest woodpecker alive in North America. It’s really interesting as I just not long ago was looking up the different kinds of woodpeckers we have here in Canada.

you can see it on the right sitting on a tree trunk. I believe this one is a male.

Here I am walking at Awenda Provincial Park and look what we did see. Unfortunately for me I did not have my telefocus lens with me… but taking my time I did get a flyby shot of this amazing Woodpecker.

A Walk At Awenda

Trillium’s are out in fill bloom all over the forest. We always had seen them towards the end of the season. A drive up to Awenda Provincial Park last Sunday was showing us them in full bloom.

Almost all of the trillium’s here are white..

Was looking to see if I find any pink or red once. Had seen them in another forest just as they started to come into blooming seasons 2 weeks ago.

Love The Sound Of Birds

There is something so beautiful to wake up in the morning with the sound of birds singing. I love to have the window open and hear them sing to me.. well so it seems at least to me..

I love to take there pictures too. So we have Yellow Finch now feeding on the tree in our backyard lately.

Beautiful Fall Season

Summer has come and gone again…

Many days during the fall season I have gone for short walks. Well at first I just drove with my truck to wherever it took me. Stopped wherever I felt like it.

Not sure if you ever do that?

But it totally feels good, to just go explore the surrounding places. I have come across so many beautiful spots. It’s mind blowing a little how many times I come across wildlife too. That I would not see otherwise.

Just not to long ago I was able to see a fox just so at peace in my present. I have absolutely never seen anything so beautiful. He never even noticed I was there. You can see this fox in one of my pictures below.

Open Your Eyes, See The Beauty Right In Front Of You


Fall Has Started

OHHH noooo..

First day of Fall was yesterday and we where out on probably my last sailing of the year. Lake Simcoe has some good winds at time too and beautiful sunset moments!

lol I am writing this now as I am getting a text from hubby…looks like we may go out tomorrow evening again… how can I refuse that!

If weather conditions are good.. why not.

Some of the past weeks sailing times have been pretty nice especially with the sunsets and seeing them from the water.

I am so looking forward to my sailing trip coming up in the deep winter here…

perhaps I’ll go ice-fishing before that too… hahaha.

St. Georges Church, Georgina,

This beautiful peaceful place by Jackson’s Point, keeps on puling me to come up and visit over and over again. Not sure what pulls me to it … yet It just gives me that inner feeling of Peace.

At a moment of need in my heart … In early Spring this year. At a quiet place off the main area Just placed on the ground. A red Rose….just like that, I believe it was a gift from Heaven for me to find. As I was about to leave … but something in me said, just go that way and don’t go yet.

this is not the place I found my Rose…. it’s where I place them to see the lake and sky…and hope I’ll give the one person that finds it a smile to his/her heart too.

Here and there I now too bring a Rose and place it overlooking the Lake Simcoe as I love that view so much. Peace and feeling of freedom. The big world wide open, wherever the water or sky takes One.

I believe someone will love to feel like I did when I did see that rose … I was speechless at that moment…

The grounds of this Church is so tranquil and beautiful…

Toronto Here We Visit

My Mom and my Girl Fiend have visited my home just past August… I tell You I have been driving to many place with them… They left I am in driving with drawl no since they left.. Smile Reni and Mutt I loved it

( Reni und Mutt mir haet das guet do. Emol us em Dorf choene go und oepis ume nan fahre!)

So we planed to take the Go Train to Toronto… but I said to myself… Lets drive I know where to park wright by Ripply’s Aquarium! Easy… absolutely! Just dont’ go right at 6-8am.

Parking lot was EMPTY!! LOL I thought a car was being towed away so chatted with the guy to make sure I am ok to park here…. ohhh how cool! he was giving me all kinds of tips to make sure I don’t get ever towed….LOL

So up we go to the top of the CN Tower… sooo many decades ago remember there was “Sparkle’s” the dance club… Let’s say 35 years ago .. Ahhhh my club for so many years totally amazing time… Dancing Saturday night Disco time. NOOOO more it now is a platform to walk around and see the big city from the top.. Oh you should have seen the lights at that time 35 year’s ago… totally amazing….

We ended up even at the Distilary Are after the CN tower…an drove up Young Street from Down town Toronto to Richmond Hill … omg 2 1/2 hours later I said I had enough I am going to the HYW…… day to remember.

Sailing on Lake Simcoe

Beautiful night out with hubby sailing last night. Grassroots Sailing club boat called “Waterbaby” I totally love to open the boat up. Though I was a little nervous more so because it is just the 2 of us on the boat. It does go through my head what if he, the skipper in my case now my hubby gets knocked over board… would I remember how to do the COB … and that single handed? Which I have never done before….so last night I was happy he had the tiller in his hands and I therefore was able to take pictures as I helped with taking and jibbing.. perfect night…to enjoy each others company. ( PS one of the pictures has the boom and sail all worped… lol hand where shaking…haha.)

Lake Simco is wonderful to sail on and has some nice spots to see too. This is just in the Bay of Cooks Bay. Further North you come to Snake Island and Fox Island.

I have sailed all around Fox Island this past summer ( See slide above) on mentoring sail day on a Saturday. It took me (us) 2.5 hours to get from Cooks Bay Marina to Fox Island and that is with a good wind, I believe 12 Knots of wind… I tell you I loved it when the boat was healing over a lot more then the calm moments. What a thrill that was…

Sailing season is almost coming to it’s end…for now….sad.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Also known as Canadian Tiger Sallowtail….

Beautiful to see them flutter by… I honestly can say I was so happy to see this one flying around in my backyard. Have not seen one for so many years. We usually have the Monarch butterflies in our area.. but seeing this Yellow Tail butterfly made me happy…

I since have seen even a Black Swallowtail. But it zipped along so fast and not resting anywhere on my flowers a picture just was not possible….

Does anyone know if this one belongs to the monarch type Butterflies family?