Möhlin – «Freizeitleben? Was ist das schon wieder?»: Wie eine Aargauer Auswanderin die Coronakrise in Kanada erlebt | Aargauer Zeitung

In Ontario gelten ähnliche Coronarestriktionen wie in der Schweiz. Mit einem grossen Unterschied: Die Restaurants und Bars sind wieder offen. Jacqueline Grice-Hurni erzählt, wie stark das Leben in Kanada derzeit eingeschränkt ist, wie sie die Coronaerkrankung selber erlebt hat – und was sie Menschen rät, die nach Kanada reisen wollen.
— Read on www.aargauerzeitung.ch/aargau/fricktal/grice-ld.2106580

St. Georges Church, Georgina,

This beautiful peaceful place by Jackson’s Point, keeps on puling me to come up and visit over and over again. Not sure what pulls me to it … yet It just gives me that inner feeling of Peace.

At a moment of need in my heart … In early Spring this year. At a quiet place off the main area Just placed on the ground. A red Rose….just like that, I believe it was a gift from Heaven for me to find. As I was about to leave … but something in me said, just go that way and don’t go yet.

this is not the place I found my Rose…. it’s where I place them to see the lake and sky…and hope I’ll give the one person that finds it a smile to his/her heart too.

Here and there I now too bring a Rose and place it overlooking the Lake Simcoe as I love that view so much. Peace and feeling of freedom. The big world wide open, wherever the water or sky takes One.

I believe someone will love to feel like I did when I did see that rose … I was speechless at that moment…

The grounds of this Church is so tranquil and beautiful…

Toronto Here We Visit

My Mom and my Girl Fiend have visited my home just past August… I tell You I have been driving to many place with them… They left I am in driving with drawl no since they left.. Smile Reni and Mutt I loved it

( Reni und Mutt mir haet das guet do. Emol us em Dorf choene go und oepis ume nan fahre!)

So we planed to take the Go Train to Toronto… but I said to myself… Lets drive I know where to park wright by Ripply’s Aquarium! Easy… absolutely! Just dont’ go right at 6-8am.

Parking lot was EMPTY!! LOL I thought a car was being towed away so chatted with the guy to make sure I am ok to park here…. ohhh how cool! he was giving me all kinds of tips to make sure I don’t get ever towed….LOL

So up we go to the top of the CN Tower… sooo many decades ago remember there was “Sparkle’s” the dance club… Let’s say 35 years ago .. Ahhhh my club for so many years totally amazing time… Dancing Saturday night Disco time. NOOOO more it now is a platform to walk around and see the big city from the top.. Oh you should have seen the lights at that time 35 year’s ago… totally amazing….

We ended up even at the Distilary Are after the CN tower…an drove up Young Street from Down town Toronto to Richmond Hill … omg 2 1/2 hours later I said I had enough I am going to the HYW…… day to remember.

Spring Moments By The Lake

April 2019 Lake Simcoe

Some of you probably know I have been going on drives to enjoy our Lake Simcoe here In Ontario, Canada. Usually with no destination in place. My truck just tales me somewhere to the water.

It’s absolutely beautiful to feel the wind in my hair. To listen to the waves crushing onto the shore.

There are different seasons I have seen up there.

Today I’ll show you how it was last April… Pretty windy and rather cold.. bust totally peaceful.

I’ll show you more warmer days soon too…. Sunshine all around now….

Celebrating 35 Years Later

Hard to believe I have lived in Canada already 35 Years as of today… how time goes by. I remember stepping out of the Toronto Pearson International Airport … The heat was OHHH wow… overtaking my breath… +35 if I remember correctly.

My so called “Family” waiting with there 6 month old baby Jacqueline as well, lol…My name became “Jackie” for the next year. … as her Nanny.

I sometimes wonder what she is up too now?…Woodbridge has changes sooo much! It was all farm field at that time…If you are from Ontario .. Do you remember the Drive-In on Hyw 400?

Now movie Theaters and Malls and totally no farm field anymore….I am speechless at times…

Villa Park Dive ( lol I thought I am coming to life in a Villa…HAHAH was I wrong! ) was my home for less then a year… no so good ending to that family story…

Best times after that was finding a wonderful family in Downsview… So much love they have still for one another…. I am thankful for the Hazel’s they gave me a absolutely wonderful memory. Just wish I had kept in contact more…

However we all have our destinies we need to follow… and never say never. Look into the future it is never to late to reconnect…. and make new memories…..and new friends.

Thanks for being my friends for sooo many memories

From My Heart To Yours

2018-11-06 11.42.14 - CopyOh no, how time has gone by since my last post.

I kind of got side tracked by posting on Facebook. How could I, you may ask? Well it seems to be much easier to do that with my phone.

Yes, I know I can do blog-posts on the phone too. But it seem to be a little more tedious for someone like me that is not so computer oriented. LOL 2018-11-20 15.36.43 - Copy




So we all had the Fall season come and go… see some of my pictures from the fall.

Well guess what, we had minus 17 on November 22nd. A brisk walk through the local park that morning and again at night, so beautiful.

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Then some more snow here and there…gurr with rain right after that.

All snow gone again. What? You say we are in winter?  Normal we would be into deep winter with Christmas just past, Guess again!!! Yesterday was December 28th. A usually very cold winter day here in Canada. ..BUT not yesterday!

Believe it or not we had a temperature of “+11” .Yes plus 11 degrees. People where walking around in short sleeves… (not me).Don’t think it have seen that before in my 34 years here in Canada!

So today I woke up to – 9, ladida yes minus 9. very drastic change  in temperature. I am So glad we can’t change the weather. 2018-11-18 13.59.16 - Copy

Enjoy the last view days of 2018 and many thanks for stopping by here on my Blog during the past years. I truly hope to be more active in the New Year.

With more posts and KnitswissYarns aswell as pattern releases here and on Ravelry.

Looking forward to seeing You  again in  2019


Market & Co At Upper Canada Mall

IMG_4763Enjoying this new Market & Co. that just opened it’s doors to our Upper Canada Mall here in Newmarket, Ontario 3 days ago.  Love the unique stores.





Fresh flowers from “Floralescence” I bought gladiolus and sunflowers so pretty. They make me smile:-)


“Newmarket Olive Co” has delicious Oils and Vinegar for bread dipping or salads and so much more. But hey let them tell you how to use them. “Eat What You Love Drink What You Want” Perfectly said.


Kitchen &CO has class that you too can sign up for, just go see their class list.  I attended  todays class  “Create A Swoon-Worthy Charcuterie & Cheese Board”! Hosted by  “Seed To Sausages”  I know a lot more about cheeses and sausages now! Good chatting to couples waiting in line and at the table. Fantastic afternoon spent there, I call it “Me Time;-)))”



Oh you should see all the deserts and bread! You will be amazed and I can guarantee you it will be hard to figure out what to get for your sweet tooth!


Chips, Chips and more all freshly made just for You with flavours of Salt and Malt and much more! I tell you people where lining up to get a taste of the “Ray Woody’s Craft Chippery” Chips.


You love fresh fish go seIMG_4758e “Pier 87 Fish Market & Grill” wow an oyster bar too!




IMG_4785If pizza is your favorites, especially backed in a wood oven! Oh tell you I plan to take my hubby to “Midici”. One of the restaurants to have a meal. ;-)

Oh yes “Union Chicken” is there too, realy another place to have supper. Hope to meet Chef Michael Angeloni one day too. You should see the camper outside…long line ups just like “Ray Woody’s Craft Chippery” inside!

Yes even our Vince’s Market it their with there fresh fruits and vegetables the best in town!IMG_4775



You like coffee, tea or yes win even that they have in the Market & Co with wine tasting bar.IMG_4734

Soup form Ma’s Best Quality Soup I am sure will taste perfect when you have no time to make a warm tasty soup for you loves one.IMG_4777





Have I told you this is a wonderful place to meet people too. I have chatted with people from Toronto, Sharon, Innisfil and really loved chatting with the 3 couples at my table exchanging how they store cheese, LOL (see class above that I attended).

Smile, now you know what I did for the last 2 days while my hubby was hiking up in the North of Michigan. Taking my daughter to her new work place as I enjoyed her new surroundings too. “Sam I know You Can Do It”


De La Salle Beach in Sutton

IMG_3163This is an Ice Wonderland right here in Sutton, Ontario….

unbelievable how there is sooooo much ice on the beach! This is not to far from us about 30 minutes driving…people where still on the ice doing Ice-Fishing…IMG_3177

I guess they know what they are doing….felt a little more comfortable staying on land at this time of year.

Crispy Canada Winter Day

File 2018-02-07, 5 24 19 PMSure it is still a very crispy

WINTER here in Canada…

…..not like my home town Möhlin in Switzerland. They are as of  tomorrow  in full swing of  “Fasnacht” Carnival

But to top it of even more a friend of mine  has seen  “Schlüsselblümli ” in the forest out already….really I am crying now!

“Schluesselbluemli” one of my faves, (not the picture she posted on Facebook)






It used to be that you there…Yes You,“Weather in Switzerland” !

were a month ahead of us here in the Canadian North of Toronto, but not two full Months!!!

What was my day like youmay ask …smiles fun filled with snow! Really softly falling down this morning, shoveling during the day, sunshine to finish the perfect day at minus 15 temp…cooooollllll

Yes, You see it correctly I have skis on the fence and that all year around…

just my kind of artsy funky fun…



Blue Mountain, Collingwood, Ontario

wpid-20140125_210759.jpgA wonderful weekend away from the everyday life…

Just for my hubby and I

Lots of wind and very cold temperatures… But we are still having a wonderful time in this small all Season Holiday Resort Village “Blue Mountain in Collingwood, Ontario

2014-01-25 15.40.20
In Collingwood by the lake…it was very windy

2014-01-24 16.12.27
On the drive up there already was very windy

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Just like the old wooden barns

2014-01-24 21.33.12
yahuuu we are in the Village of Blue Mountain

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In Collingwood love the iron work on this church door

2014-01-25 15.39.11
This is in Collingwood by the lake…I wish I could show you how the waves where rolling …and the wind…wow hold on

2014-01-25 18.54.05
I just had to take this picture even though my hands where freezing …This is by the pond as we where skating in the Village of Blue Mountain

2014-01-25 19.00.56
Skating on the pond in Blue Mountain

2014-01-25 15.40.02
Wind and more wind

2014-01-26 13.14.28
Skating on the pond

2014-01-25 21.06.55
smile I am having a nice meal with my hubby and this looked so nice to see the ski hills through this window

2014-01-25 17.16.18
Our Resort in Blue Mountain

2014-01-25 18.50.17
In the Village

2014-01-24 21.28.16

A perfect get away for a weekend and the atmosphere is amazing with all the wonderful Restaurants and Bars.

Rusty’s at Blue

Kaytoo Restaurant & Bar

We had some really windy days and snow blowing all the way there and though out the weekend as you can see

Ice Weather All Around Us

IMG_0407So after a good three days of scrapping the cars, driveways and shoveling Ice!!!

Yes ICE not snow…and that a good layer of about 1.5″ to 2″ if not more and that just about EVERYWHERE you can think off….


For the past view days we had to remove a lot of ICE….everything is iced up. My truck was covered with at least 1″ of solid ice. Try to get that off and not work up some sore arms.  The driveway, what a sheet of ice.  If it would not be on a slight decline to the road we could have used it for an ice-rink.

  I am sending you some of my pictures  I took over the last view days. And since it will not go above freezing for a some days this ice cover is to stay for some time too. Just hope we do not get wind as the tree branches full of ice could break…fall on cars, power lines and so much more….Truly hope it will not come to that…Good to have a stash of Yarn…lol, Peanut Butter, Bread and water in the home just in case the power goes out.
IMG_0286So nach gut drei Tagen von Eisregen…
ja Eis
nicht Schnee …
 Eine gute Schicht von etwa 5-10cm,
wenn nicht noch mehr.
Das alles auf Autos, Bäume, Strassen und was sonst noch alles draussen steht!
In den letzten Tagen hatten wir eine Menge von ICE zum Entfernen …. alles vereist kann man hier sagen.
Mein Truck hatte eine Eisschicht von 4 bis 5cm.  Da kommte man doch ins Schwitzen das weg zu Kratzen….Da brauchte man schon gute Arm Muskeln oder einen lieben Mann da gut mit helfen kann…
 Unser Hausplatz, was für eine Eisschicht. Wenn der flach währe hätten  für eine Eisbahn zum Schlittschuh fahren!
Hier ein paar Bilder von den letzen paar Tagen in unsere Gegend. Ja meine Bilder sind eigendlich recht schön von all den Bildern die Ihr in den Nachrichten zu sehen bekommt. Eis kann schon gefährlich sein wenn so ein Ast herunter kommt und auf die Stomleitungen oder Auto, Hause etc. fällt.
 Alles ist vereist und wird so bleiben für etliche Tage das es in den Null Graden bleiben wird.   Hoffe nur dass der Wind nicht kommt, da die Äste voller Eis brechen könnte und auf Autos, Stromleitungen und vieles mehr fallen könnte ( Wie in Toronto und Umgebung, Tausende sind ohne Strom)  …. Wirklich hoffe, es wird nicht dazu kommen bei uns…
 Gut, einen Vorrat an Wolle…(lach), Erdnussbutter, “Schoggi” Brot und Wasser in dem Haus für Notfälle zu haben.

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A Drive to Toronto

A Drive to Toronto

This passed Valentine’s Day we decided to go for a drive to Toronto.  We do not go often in to the City so when we do go it is always exiting to see all the big Towers emerging as we get closer.  The City has changed since I arrived 25 years ago.  More Towers and buildings being torn down and replace with new once even taller than the last one. One of those changes was the Yonge-Dundas Square is a public square in Toronto at the intersection of Yonge Street and Dundas Street, one of the busiest intersections in Toronto. Constructed as a downtown ‘revitalization’ project, the square was created from the demolition of a block of commercial buildings and opened as a public square to the public in November 2002.  The square is used for music concerts, film screenings and other public events.

But you all know this too, lots of things change as time goes by.  Cities, Towns and Villages and buildings get old or just do not fit into the time or are unsafe so they have to go.  I do remember the Farmhouses in my Hometown most of them are gone or replaced with new homes or apartments too.  It makes me clinch inside to know that my home town does not look like it used to when I grew up there….  But I know times are changing and that I cannot change that.  I sometimes wonder what my Grandmother thinks of all this now that she is already 96 and still enjoys going to the Fasnacht looking for candies…..?


Eine Ausflug nach Toronto

Diesen letzten Valentine’s Tag haben wir beschlossen, eine Fahrt nach Toronto zu unternehmen. Wir gehen nicht viel in die Stadt, doch wenn wir gehen ist es immer erstaunend all die großen Gebeude zu sehen.  Die Stadt hat sich verändert seit ich vor 25 Jahren hier in Kanada angekommen bin.  Noch groessere  Gebäude sind erstanden oder abgerissen worden und durch neue, noch größer ersatz worden. Ein solcher Ort ist das  Dundas Square. Ein öffentlicher Platz in Toronto an der Kreuzung der Yonge Street und Dundas Street, einer der belebtesten Kreuzungen in Toronto. Projekt als ein Zentrum von  “Revitalisierung” , wurde der Platz seit der Zerstörung eines gewerblichen  Gebäuden  Block gegründet und wurde als einen Platz für die Öffentlichkeit im November 2002. Der Platz wird für Konzerte, Filmvorführungen und andere öffentliche Veranstaltungen benutzt.

Aber Ihr wisst alle vieles ändern sich mit der Zeit.  Städte, Dörfer und alte Gebäude passen einfach nicht mehr in die Heutige Zeit oder sind nicht mehr sicher darin zu wohnen.

 Ich erinnere mich an die Bauernhöfe in meiner Heimatdorf die Meisten sind durch neue Häuser oder Wohnungen ersetzen worden.  Es macht mir weh zu sehen das mein Heimatdorf auch nicht mehr so ist wie damals for 25 Jahren als ich dort aufgewachsen bin …. Doch ich weiß, die Zeiten ändern sich und dass kann ich nicht ändern.

 Manchmal frage ich mich, was meine Großmutter denkt, da sie bereits 96 Jahre ist und immer noch gerne an die Fasnacht gehen auf der Suche nach Süßigkeiten ist …..???