Freedom In The Dance

There is something so peaceful in this world.

Have you ever looked at a spent dandelion close up? So totally beautiful and at peace.

I love taking pictures of them in all ways. So love blowing them to endless dreams. There is this incredible happiness and joy I feel when I see the spores drifting off into the winds.

A freedom that most of us never will experience.

So delicate and soft in the wind they dance in once let go… A dream of mine to fly high and drift of to endless peace, happiness…..I make my WISH….

May you too enjoy this freedom….

Magnolia In Bloom

Spring is finally hear…

Though It feels like we skiped Spring once again… with +30 in past days.

So loving this heat…

Well until today.

Rain rain rain all day.

It’s Ok too grass and flowers love it.

My Magnolia tree is In full bloom once again this season… Glad I did get some great pictures before the rain today.

Love The Sound Of Birds

There is something so beautiful to wake up in the morning with the sound of birds singing. I love to have the window open and hear them sing to me.. well so it seems at least to me..

I love to take there pictures too. So we have Yellow Finch now feeding on the tree in our backyard lately.

Grenada, I’ll Be back One Day

This last morning at the beach was the perfect ending to this amazing trip…

Had this stray dog pop himself down right by my side as I was reading. I thought this was to funny…

Memories and Joy in my life.

I say Thank You to all that made this trip so special and a joy in my Life .

…..Ah Yes already a month passed. It has been so amazing and fun… I am speechless with all I have see and experianced and that in only 23 days.

Do You see what I see?

My New Found Passion

Looks like I have found a new passion in my life…

Sailing and traveling if funding and time allows it.

Clark’s Court Boat Yard Bay, Grenada

How did this happen you may ask. Hubby registered me in SKS course last Spring. With Grassroots Sailing Centre . Learned a lot by just going to mentoring days during the sailing season. We have some great and fun skippers that take us out for mentoring days.

During Mentoring time at Grassroots Sailing Centre 2019

Now here I am, sailing in Grenada on Lady Natalie that my friend Dave the skipper and owner of Sailabration Cruising owns. He also is a skipper at Grassroots Sailing Centre.

SO Love this view

I would have never ever thought I am going to be sailing on the ocean, Ever! I am the lucky one to have been able to sail with some of our members from the club and Dave our Kapti’n during the Club Week that was offered to us by Sailabration Cruising in Grenada for 11 days… It totally is Paradise down there.


Day 1 of my trip January 9th 2020

So my flight took off with needing to be deiced. No problem for me as I am going to be in the sunshine soon that day Jan 9th… Oh so beautiful I found is need to be able to walk off the pane not have to go though the tunnel they put up at big airports. Into the heat of Greanda… Wow what a memory.

Ahh yes looking for a taxi now… promptly had several asking me where I am going? As I am going to sit in passenger side… he smiled and wanted to give me the key.. lol they are driving on the left side… oh nooo I am not doing that.

Did I tell you there is only one working traffic light in Grenada! And roads are windy just like in Switzerland. and they stop to chat with friends whenever they feel like. Cars parked for days or left on road just like that. We just drive around them.. makes it fun and oh well unique.

After a short 15 min. drive to Clarke’s Court Boatyard and Marina where Lady Natalie was docked. YESSSS I have arrived and was welcomed by Dave with a smile and a local drink.

Clark’s Court Boat Yard from Lady Natalie’s view now…

Now onto the dinghy with my bag… bags in cabin. Tell me about the boat? What do I do now.. Getting to know about the head… yes important stuff. Fridge…wow. ok.. got it. It’s perfect I think.

A little bit of rain will not hurt us.. so off we went to Nimrod’s Bar is out of the main touristy areas and located in Woburn. What began as a small little rum shop has grown into a full fledged bar. Nimrod’s is hopping with live music, often supplied by yachties anchored out in the bay. Just like us… Dave, Joreg, Marianne and myself.

Jorge and Marianne this couple is going on a big sail soon… You both are soooo much fun!

So I could not believe my ears… someone is speaking German here? I just had to chat with these two guys. It go even more interesting when I found out Konrad (Koni) is Swiss. And works at my Hometown in Switzerland even lives in Germany normally where I have relatives. Juerg is from Germany, that is just too cool.

This day was so much fun and the live band with locals just singing even if it rained …one can dance in the rain too.

Fall Has Started

OHHH noooo..

First day of Fall was yesterday and we where out on probably my last sailing of the year. Lake Simcoe has some good winds at time too and beautiful sunset moments!

lol I am writing this now as I am getting a text from hubby…looks like we may go out tomorrow evening again… how can I refuse that!

If weather conditions are good.. why not.

Some of the past weeks sailing times have been pretty nice especially with the sunsets and seeing them from the water.

I am so looking forward to my sailing trip coming up in the deep winter here…

perhaps I’ll go ice-fishing before that too… hahaha.

St. Georges Church, Georgina,

This beautiful peaceful place by Jackson’s Point, keeps on puling me to come up and visit over and over again. Not sure what pulls me to it … yet It just gives me that inner feeling of Peace.

At a moment of need in my heart … In early Spring this year. At a quiet place off the main area Just placed on the ground. A red Rose….just like that, I believe it was a gift from Heaven for me to find. As I was about to leave … but something in me said, just go that way and don’t go yet.

this is not the place I found my Rose…. it’s where I place them to see the lake and sky…and hope I’ll give the one person that finds it a smile to his/her heart too.

Here and there I now too bring a Rose and place it overlooking the Lake Simcoe as I love that view so much. Peace and feeling of freedom. The big world wide open, wherever the water or sky takes One.

I believe someone will love to feel like I did when I did see that rose … I was speechless at that moment…

The grounds of this Church is so tranquil and beautiful…

Sailing on Lake Simcoe

Beautiful night out with hubby sailing last night. Grassroots Sailing club boat called “Waterbaby” I totally love to open the boat up. Though I was a little nervous more so because it is just the 2 of us on the boat. It does go through my head what if he, the skipper in my case now my hubby gets knocked over board… would I remember how to do the COB … and that single handed? Which I have never done before….so last night I was happy he had the tiller in his hands and I therefore was able to take pictures as I helped with taking and jibbing.. perfect night…to enjoy each others company. ( PS one of the pictures has the boom and sail all worped… lol hand where shaking…haha.)

Lake Simco is wonderful to sail on and has some nice spots to see too. This is just in the Bay of Cooks Bay. Further North you come to Snake Island and Fox Island.

I have sailed all around Fox Island this past summer ( See slide above) on mentoring sail day on a Saturday. It took me (us) 2.5 hours to get from Cooks Bay Marina to Fox Island and that is with a good wind, I believe 12 Knots of wind… I tell you I loved it when the boat was healing over a lot more then the calm moments. What a thrill that was…

Sailing season is almost coming to it’s end…for now….sad.

Spring Moments By The Lake

April 2019 Lake Simcoe

Some of you probably know I have been going on drives to enjoy our Lake Simcoe here In Ontario, Canada. Usually with no destination in place. My truck just tales me somewhere to the water.

It’s absolutely beautiful to feel the wind in my hair. To listen to the waves crushing onto the shore.

There are different seasons I have seen up there.

Today I’ll show you how it was last April… Pretty windy and rather cold.. bust totally peaceful.

I’ll show you more warmer days soon too…. Sunshine all around now….

Sailing On Lake Simcoe

Never thought I would love it so much… The thrill of a heeled sailboat.. OMG!

Told the rest of the crew on the boat!

….yeah all man haha.

That they should install a web cam to get my expressions and alllll…… my “OHHH NOOOO’s !!!” I can just see the crews laughter inside…hahah I am too.

What am I doing now when the Sailboat is heeling over so much… OHH NOOO….!!!! AGAIN.. with me holding the tiller that the toe rail is in the water…..Yuck…omg oi feel the sailboat id going to keel over….ahhh

But… believe me.

Yess anything else is boring….LOVING IT. :-)

Though I have to say the more you go out the more you get used to all of it… Totally love opening up the sailboat and have it ready for the rest of the crew and YESSSS Skipper! It is my time to learn all the terms for the boat … And feel the beauty of being on the water.

What am I going to do in the Winter months now… ice Sailing..LOL or perhaps Ice Fishing… maybe signing up for curling…



    How Time Goes On

    Have you thought that too?

    Well I have …

    Listening to songs and falling into the world of music. Honestly I can’t remember when I last had the TV on.

    OMG that used to be my side noise to knitting my ohhh so many projects. That I have lately neglected. Not sure what has changed in me. But even my knitting has slowed down. Got to find my heart again… yet it is at the water lately lots… taking pictures and seeing the peaceful waves rolling into the shores. Something said for that wonderful sunset too.

    Absolutely need to find my motjo again… and get creating. I have soooo much yarn in my stash… honestly not sure what I was thinking… Perhaps I’ll have a new carrier … I’ll be sailing on the sailboat, enjoying the evening sunset with a glass of wine & my knitting…lol in the South one day perhaps…

    Dreams are possible … for now it is at the marina close by…

    Learning to Sail now… sooo loving it

    How have you been enjoying this summer so far? Tell me .. text me.. Love to hear form you .

    Florida In February

    OMG hard to believe we left in this snow/ice storm on February 6th.


    Has been already over a month ago that we where in Florida enjoying that sooooo beautiful sunshine every day by +24 to 28 and water at +16 . I was swimming in it every day on and on….just so perfect.

    Sunset right by the beach every night…I am still looking for the star in that evening sky every night, my start always full of love and happy moments walking in the water looking for the shells. Even thought I could not bring home some of the coral that washed up on the shore…..nooo noooo you can’t do that!!

    My fun moments taking pictures of birds flying by…or posing for me.

    Smiles Yes  “I am a bigger kid then You thought I am” …smiles that is me. Always will be that way…That is my Life, my Love, my life of happiness.

    More then I am That is me.


    Sleeping on the balcony hearing the waves crushing onto the shore.

    Seeing the stars and full moon.

    Hearing the birds in the morning waking me up….My Dream always.

    I’ll never forget that kind of feeling of Peace.


    From My Heart To Yours

    2018-11-06 11.42.14 - CopyOh no, how time has gone by since my last post.

    I kind of got side tracked by posting on Facebook. How could I, you may ask? Well it seems to be much easier to do that with my phone.

    Yes, I know I can do blog-posts on the phone too. But it seem to be a little more tedious for someone like me that is not so computer oriented. LOL 2018-11-20 15.36.43 - Copy




    So we all had the Fall season come and go… see some of my pictures from the fall.

    Well guess what, we had minus 17 on November 22nd. A brisk walk through the local park that morning and again at night, so beautiful.

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    Then some more snow here and there…gurr with rain right after that.

    All snow gone again. What? You say we are in winter?  Normal we would be into deep winter with Christmas just past, Guess again!!! Yesterday was December 28th. A usually very cold winter day here in Canada. ..BUT not yesterday!

    Believe it or not we had a temperature of “+11” .Yes plus 11 degrees. People where walking around in short sleeves… (not me).Don’t think it have seen that before in my 34 years here in Canada!

    So today I woke up to – 9, ladida yes minus 9. very drastic change  in temperature. I am So glad we can’t change the weather. 2018-11-18 13.59.16 - Copy

    Enjoy the last view days of 2018 and many thanks for stopping by here on my Blog during the past years. I truly hope to be more active in the New Year.

    With more posts and KnitswissYarns aswell as pattern releases here and on Ravelry.

    Looking forward to seeing You  again in  2019


    Eggnog And Rum

    IMG_4089“Eggnog And Rum”


    I tell you working in a fabric store can be fun. Especially when in the middle of the summer you receive Christmas print fabrics….nooo I love the summer heat……I really don’t want to think about that cold winter time…gurr. I prefer and love the summer heat we are having now.

    So on a quieter day at work I thought I’ll give that embroidery machine,                      “Alliance” by Baby Lock a try again. I like working with that machine.


    Just a fun table runner with no exact pattern really just have fun …..

      “Sugar”, “Milk”, “Rum”, and “Eggnog”

    Then added the  Lite Steam-A-Seam2 to the back of the embroidered words and cut them to shapes of your liking. Do the same with panel fabric sections. I left about 1/4″ all around each sections.  I like them to fray a bit once it will get washed. Not sure how that will work out at this time but if you want to secure each section with the raw edge application method.

    I already cut my green background fabric that measures 9.5″ x 36″ then added all around a 2″ border. Now add the cut out words and panel sections to the runner as you like.

    Add the heat resistant batting and backing and pin all well so that you can work your free motion quilting. This part can be a lot of fun just let your creative mind take over….tirm the outside off and add a binding just like for quilts.

    Happy Sewing


    Spring Flowers

    IMG_1973Flowers are blooming everywhere now…

    So not just animals and bugs are in my backyard…

    Pink Peony so beautiful

    Enjoying the sunshine too. Beautiful day today ….

    Peony is one flower I am happy to have in my garden…

    Yes Ants come with this flower…Don’t mind that either…I know they serve a purpose…IMG_1947

    Just care less for ant hills in the grass.