Loading The Loom

You have seen in past posts of mine

“First Weaving Projects” and “Loading My Warping Reel”.

Here I am now with my Loom that needs to be “dressed”. I need to string the yarn though from front to back onto my bedder.

Holding the yarn in my one hand making sure the ” X ” in the yarn does not get off my fingers. As they have to be strung exactly in this order as they are .

Now I have to feed the yarn from the front onto the bedder one by one.

Here You see all is strung though the headdles and now tied on to the front bar.
Nice and tight and ready to start my next weaving project.


Somehow a bird must have drooped this seed in my garden…

One of my favorite flower in the spring. It has a special meaning to me.. in so many ways. My childhood back home in Switzerland and memories of happiness growing up so free and loved. With bunnies in the garden and us playing with the Guinea pigs in the fields that where our pets. How could you not love to grow up with this kind of happiness.

Some may never ever experience this kind of joy. I am so grateful to have had this kind of joy.

My Mom ( Mutt) and Dad (Vat) always loved us no matter what even now my mom is the most amazing lady I know.

Unconditional Love for her kids.. even if we give her up and downs. Kids kind of do that to their parents… we all know that.

But mom, in my case loves all of me… Dad in heaven is always looking out. I know He doesn’t judge me for my up and downs.

“No one can take this happiness ever away!”

Because no matter what, bonds don’t break … ever.

“loved Once in Heaven are always with us …we never forget them and they are always in our hearts.


Child Sweater

Love how this sweater turned out. I am blessed to have had this order from a grandma to knit this sweater for her grandson.

It always is special to see that at times people do reach out fro handmade items. I n my case it is handknit with my love for the passion of joy and happiness in my knitting this special gift for her grandson.

A pattern I had from a Magazine called Penguin from many years ago…

Loading My Warping Reel

The last project of my loom has come off… New one to begin. With that said I had to figure out how to do use my warping reel. First time ever.

Sure it was kind off unsure of what to do next. But it actually was not to complicated to figuring it out. “Yes I Can” Just followed the instructions as in many other things … Someone tells me to read the manuals… or go to YouTub. So I did and look it up. Seemed to work out not to bad.

Love The Sound Of Birds

There is something so beautiful to wake up in the morning with the sound of birds singing. I love to have the window open and hear them sing to me.. well so it seems at least to me..

I love to take there pictures too. So we have Yellow Finch now feeding on the tree in our backyard lately.

First Weaving Projects

Yehh finally all finished my first project done on my Leclerc table loom.

I think I bought this Loom form my colleague about a year ago. I put all my effort in to it then to learn how to weave. But then I got stuck on how to take my project “A Scarf” off the loom.

In some of the pictures I am just showing you how some of my stuff was set up at the end of this project. I am honestly not sure why I was scared to remove this…

So I have just simply worked on this particular scarf to get myself familiar on how to weave. I love how this turned out…

Homemade Salad Dressing

Not long ago I thought why not do another creamy Salad Dressing for when I have lettuce or cabbage again.

I have had this recipe for so many years now and every time I make it it turns out different. I have the base ingredient all written down. But honestly I am always change things up. Even in my knitting I modify the pattern usually. Unless it is a order for someone special.

So here is my video of the the Creamy Salad Dressing I made from scratch:

Vodka Lemonade

Slowly this cardigan is having its shape coming together. Love the soft yellow colour in this yarn. I have never knit with Soybean yarn and it’s my first time dyeing it too.

Love the feel on how this yarn knits up. It is so strong and doesn’t split at all. You really need a scissor to cut the yarn no way you can tear it.

I think this will look perfect in the summer months with shorts.

You can find the pattern here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vodka-lemonade

An Eye For An Eye

First Day of Spring March 21st.

So I know we are all going though something no one had to deal with. This Corvid 19 is keeping us all from doing what we love… We have to be in isolation and for many of us this is a big stressful time.

Here is my video of my walk: https://youtu.be/qaYUwBiZSqs

My husband is working from home do to this corvid 19 and at beginning of all this isolation he had strep throat too. So I really had to be staying away from him too. Just don’t want to get any off it…

Hopefully this explains a little why I am going for a drives and isolate myself in truck from time to time.

Just like last Saturday

…. into the country..

As many of you know I just go for a drive in the past to wherever the truck takes me too. So far I only got lost once.

This probably has been my last drive for a while…

Grenada, I’ll Be back One Day

This last morning at the beach was the perfect ending to this amazing trip…

Had this stray dog pop himself down right by my side as I was reading. I thought this was to funny…

Memories and Joy in my life.

I say Thank You to all that made this trip so special and a joy in my Life .

…..Ah Yes already a month passed. It has been so amazing and fun… I am speechless with all I have see and experianced and that in only 23 days.

Do You see what I see?

Beach Day on Grand Anse, Grenada

Another beautiful Day…Monday January 20th. hearing the ocean surf. They (Resort) say close the balcony doors when you go to sleep…

Not what I want to do… I feel safe and love to falling asleep and waking up with listening to the waves crushing onto the beach. Kind of miss the rocking to sleep on the “Lady Natalie” though. The ground I walk on is moving to the waves….

Going to be another beautiful day by the beach… thinking of where the Lady Natalie may be sailing to on her next adventure as I watch he drift away to in the Sea…what are the chances I’ll be here again one day I ask myself?

Every Day here is beautiful….

My Last Evening sunset joy and happiness.

I say Thank You to all that made this trip so special and a joy in my Life

The Royal Clipper in the harbor of St. George, Grenada
Last evening by the Beach.. Grand Anse
Can you see The Royal Clipper in the distant. So beautiful she has I believe 5 Masts if I recall that correctly.

memory and love in my life.

Umbrella, Grand Anse Beach

This was totally something I have never done before… Go to a Restaurant and eat on my own.

I was hungry and was tired of eating on my own for past days. So thought I’ll go check out this “Umbrella’s Beach Bar” that the Resort I stayed in recommend and it was soooo close…

Cool I can walk on the sandy white beach to my restaurant and don’t have to worry about drinking and driving… OMG I am going to sit down and have a meal on my own… glad I did!

…shortly after I ordered my supper and yes glass of wine… this place started to rock… Band, that I didn’t know started to play and believe me this bar was rocking along all night…Absolutely a must visit if you are ever at Grand Anse Beach in Grenada!!! This bar was totally a hot spot to be at…

Red red Wine ….

Walking home to the resort I stopped by the resort directly to my place Coyaba you should have heard the music playing there.. so romantic, I decide to sat for a little and just listen to it.

Grand Anse Beach Is Awaiting You

Wake up girl, it’s a new day …I had 6 pillows to snuggle up to. OMG that is luxury…Bed was sooo crazy big. I could sleep in any direction and my toes never stuck out of the bed..LOL

Looking out to the my perfect view and hearing the ocean … what more can I wish for on this day of Sunday, January 19. 2020. Most are dealing with snow back home..

I am the lucky one to walk on the white sand of Grand Anse in Grenada.

Walking in the white sand…
Making memories for my heart.

Seeing the Luxurious Resorts that are $$$+ for one night say… Cool yes look at the places… seriously? Not one person was there!

I think I am the lucky one staying at Allamanda Beach Resort. I have the staff at this Resort talking to me enjoying the beautiful sunshine in the garden… I believe that is what counts. This gentleman working there said he used to live in Scarborough. How cool is that… Grand Anse Beach is Beautiful

I am surrounded by absolutely beautiful sunrise, beach, the water is my joy, luxury, happyiness, amazing people, happiness, restaurants, sunset….

Peaceful joy in my heart and mind