Shoe Fashion And Having Fun With Nail Polish

Shoe Fashion And Having Fun With  Nail Polish

Ok you all have probably noted I like not always go with the flow of others and love to have some fun…so here you see my newest Fashion.  My blue nails and  Ohhh…. have you seen my shoes.   Well I remember my dad telling me never ever to come home with purple nails when I was 15 or so.  I never did….but I had a lot of fun painting some of my mothers friends nails like our local backer woman’s nails.  We had some fun but always just with the red and pink tones.  Some good healthy fun … daughter loves this colour too as you can see on one of the pics

Faschion Schuhe und Nagellack

Ok Ihr habt sicher gemerkt dass ich nicht immer ales so mache wie jeder andere Mensch.  Mir gefällt es ab und zu einmal etwas anderes zu machen und nicht immer dem “Normalen” nach zu gehen.  So zeige ich Euch mein neuer blauer Nagellack….und auch dazu meine neuen Schuhe…Da erinnere ich mich aber auch an die Worte von meinem Vater als ich etwas 15 Jahre alt war. Nie mit violetten gestrichenen Nägel nach hause zu kommen. Vielmasl habe ich auch  die Finger Nägel von  unsere localen Bäckers Frau lackiert  doch nur mir Rot und Rosarot.  Spass soll sein ab und zu….diese Farben gefallen meiner Tochter natürlich auch wie Ihr sehen könnt auf den Photos

2 thoughts on “Shoe Fashion And Having Fun With Nail Polish

  1. Hi Jean.
    Sorry for the delay sending you this responds. I prefer to add beads on with the crochet hook. The beads do not slide around on the stitches once you have knit the project as easily. So I hope I am able to help you with this information. I usually work with size 6mm beads and a crochet hook 9 / 1.40mm. You could use whatever works for you just make sure the hook with yarn can go though the beads.
    Take you hook slide the bead in the hook to where you’re holding the crochet. Once you are at the stitch you like to place the bead, pick that stitch up from your LEFT hand needle with that hook, bead still at the back of crochet. Now simply pull the yarn off the hook through the bead. Slide bead to the back of your yarn stitch, place that stitch back to your LEFT hand needle and knit as the pattern ask for
    Please let me know if I was able to help you or if you have any further questions.


  2. Love the blue toes! I like your Haruni shawl in your previous post as well. I’m not good at working the lacy patterns, but you are very good at it. Question for you: is there a tutorial on how to add beads using a crochet hook? When I add beads, I string them onto the yarn and work them in. Just wondering about the technique you used. Thanks!


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