Oh Canada Quilt

File 2016-04-30, 12 16 26 PMOh this one is in the works since this morning. Thought after a day’s work at the store I have to be productive and work on my stash of fabric for a change. So here is the beginning of this


After 2 1/2 hours of sewing the fabric pieces together I now have to get batting and the backing and quilt it too. But not today as it is nice I really should go work in my backyard a little…

So see you soon with the finished Quilt.

File 2016-04-30, 12 16 10 PMOh, dieses ist in den Werken seit heute Morgen. Dachte nach einem Tag Arbeit dass auch  ich etwas mehr produktiv sein könnte und an meinem Vorrat von Stoff etwas ändern könnte. Hier ist also der Beginn dieses “OH CANADA” lab Quilt.

So nach 2 1/2 Stunden Stoff zusammen nähen ist die Oberflähe fertig geworden …nun gehts los mit der Batting und dem Hintergrund und quilten. Aber nicht Heute! Da es schön ist draussen ist sollte ich doch auch noch etwas im Garten tun….Lach 

So bis bald mit der fertigen Decke dann….


5 thoughts on “Oh Canada Quilt

  1. I don’t quilt, but I love quilts, and yours are gorgeous. Is this a different blog than Jacqueline’s blog, or just a change of name? I didn’t recognise the name, and I almost deleted it without opening.
    I love the fact that your blog is bilingual, as I am trying to learn German.
    All the best
    From Calgary, Alberta


    1. Hi Marisol
      So glad you stayed and opened it yes it is just a name change
      But now I wonder if I should add Jacqueline’s blog in bracket for a while
      Happy to see you like my quilts I love the modern look to them
      What are your hobbies ?
      I will so my best to Continue with two Language
      Hope to see you back doom again


      1. Hi Jacqueline,
        Thank you for replying and I’m sorry I didn’t reply right away. As you mentioned, maybe you could add your name in brackets for a while, otherwise absent minded people like me. might delete your emails.
        I used to sew a lot, and saved lots of scraps and pieces of leftover fabric from my projects, dreaming of making them into quilts, but my plans haven’t come come to fruition yet.. Now I am even lazy to take the sewing machine out. I find it kind of heavy to schlep it from the basement. to the darn computer room.
        I used to knit a lot too, but once my children and grandchildren grew up, and they preferred to wear store bought garments. I abandoned the knitting too, but I am back to it, knitting FOR MYSELF! So there!
        I do try to practice German at least twice a week. I took lessons for a long time, but I have never have the opportunity to use it. so I forgot almost all.That is why I appreciate more your bilingual blog.
        Have a great day, and keep enjoying your visit to your home country.
        All the best


      2. Ah I see yes sewing machines can be heavy. I have one set up in a office on a sewing table. It works great for smaller projects but for bigger quilts and when I desire to see for longer time I too take the machine up into the kitchen.
        Love my knitting that is doe sure! I teach knitting and crocheting class too

        I know right now I show more blogs about Switzerland but that will change again shortly
        So have a great weekend
        By for today


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