Yarn Dyeing


My first try with dyeing yarn…love how each skein is full of colour and character. Each a bit different but that is how I like it.

That “One Of A Kind” look.


Just perfect. well I had to play a bit and see how each yarn took the colour not all weight was agreeing with what I did…but in the end I think I am getting the hang of it.

2014-08-22 17.29.07

Ja auch das noch, werdet ihr sage…Lach ich habe diese Woche einmal mit Wollen färben angefange. Ich bin der Meinung das es mir eigentlich recht gut gelungen ist. Jede Strange ist

“Einzig Artig”


So richtig farbenfroh und genau so wie es mir gefällt.

Nun geht es lost damit etwas zu stricken

Nicht jede Wolle hatte die Farbe gleich angenommen so durfte ich damit etwas spielen. 

Drying up on my hangers
Drying up on my hangers

5 thoughts on “Yarn Dyeing

    1. Oh Sandra that is so nice to hear from you. It has been to long. Hope to see you soon again once I am back at the store.
      In the meantime I am keeping myself busy at home… With Stuff that will help all around… The Yarn dyeing I am just playing around for now.. But look out, hope more will be on the way…


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